释义 |
1 ?环礁 ... lagoon flat 泻湖礁坪 lagoon island 环礁 lagoon reef margin 泻湖礁边缘 ... 2 ?泻湖岛 ... brackish lagoon 咸水泻湖 barrier lagoon 堡礁泻湖 lagoon island 泻湖岛,内岛,环礁...
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Part of Aitutaki lagoon Resort and Spa on motu (lagoon islet) of Akitua, at eastern end of island of Aitutaki. 位于艾图塔基岛东端的艾图塔基泻湖度假村和阿基·图阿岛的水疗馆。 - 2
One of the most heart-stopping was in a lagoon with stingrays and sharks swimming past them in Daydream Island, Australia. 最惊心动魄的一场婚礼是在澳大利亚的"白日梦岛"举行的。 当时他们在一个礁湖上,黄貂鱼和鲨鱼在他们身边游来游去。 - 3
I was heading for Aitutaki, which, with its palm-fringed coral lagoon, is the archetypal tropical island. 我飞往艾图塔基岛(aitutaki),这是一个典型的热带岛屿,岛上的珊瑚礁泻湖被棕榈树环绕。