释义 |
1 [审计]?联合审计 ... joint adventure 联营,合资经营 joint audit 联合审计 joint cost 联合成本,联产品成本 ... 2 ?联合审核 ...在品牌之间达成相对一致的要求,不再各自为战,而是互相认可对方品牌的审核报告,或一同去供应商处做一次联合审核(joint audit),这样可以减少品牌和工厂在审核方面付出的时间和精力,也可以降低工厂在应对不同要求品牌审核时所面临的调整难度。?2.
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Based on the analysis of the motivation, cause, tricks of financial fraud, this article points out the special audit system and joint audit system to control the financial fraud. 本文在对舞弊的动机、成因、手段分析的基础上,提出当前遏制财务舞弊应实行特种审计制度和联合审计制度。 - 2
The compensation Committee, in joint consultation with the audit Committee, deals with compensation and retention issues regarding the chief internal auditor. 补偿委员会,与审计委员会共同商讨,处理关于最高内部审计师的薪金问题。 - 3
The joint ventures shall, in line with (more formal) related provisions of Chinese laws, commission accountants registered in China to audit and check their financial accounts. 合作企业应当按照中国法律有关规定聘任中国注册会计师进行审计。