释义 |
1 ?长期趋势 ... major suspect 重大嫌疑犯... major swings 长期趋势... major system kit 成套主设备...
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Under a new system of "circuit breakers" for individual stocks put in last month by the SEC, U.S. stock exchanges must briefly halt trading of major stocks that mark big swings. 上周证券交易委员会推出了针对单个股票,名为“断路器”的新制度:一旦市场出现异动,美国证交会可以短暂停止主要股票的交易。 - 2
When I was young, there was a lot of yelling and drama in my house, and I vowed I'd never turn out like my parents, especially my mother who was a raging alcoholic with major mood swings. 我未成年之前,家里总是充斥着尖叫和打骂,自此我立下誓言,永远不要像我的父母那样,尤其是我妈妈,她是个不折不扣的酒鬼,情绪波动很大。 - 3
The emotional trauma caused by insomnia, sudden shocks caused by major mood swings, loss, panic, resulting in sleep every night. 被情志所伤引起失眠,突然受到重大事件的冲击造成情绪不稳、失落、惊慌,以致夜夜难眠。