释义 |
- 线对称:一个几何图形关于一条直线对称,当且仅当这条直线上的每一点都有一个与之对称的点,且这两点之间的距离相等。
1 ?轴对称 ... 对称轴 axis of symmetry 轴对称 line symmetry 四边形 quadrilateral ... 2 ?线对称 ... line symbol 线形符号 line symmetry 线对称 line synchro 行同步, 线路同步 ...
- 1
Slim and with elastic, so that the legs were thin line symmetry and look tall! - 2
Prior knowledge of the vehicles, such as shadows underneath the vehicles, rich edge information, contour symmetry, gray level symmetry, horizontal line symmetry and etc, is combined. 联合使用车底阴影、边缘信息、轮廓对称、灰度对称、水平线对称等车辆先验知识,提出一种基于特征的车辆检测方法。 - 3
Well, for those of you who have a good feeling for symmetry, they would say certainly it has to lie somewhere on this line. 对于一些同学,对称感良好的同学,它们肯定会说,它在这条线的某一点。