You can also use the -l option of xargs to have it treat lines as arguments rather than the default of individual blank-delimited tokens.
您还可以使用xargs的- l选项让命令将行当作参数看待,而不是默认的以单个空格分隔的标记。
The first clause, ls -A, is a verb and enumerates the contents of the current directory; the second clause, wc -l, is another verb to count lines.
它包含两个句子。 第一个句子 ls -A 是动词结构,列举当前目录下的内容,第二个句子 wc -l 是另一个动词结构,用于计算行数。
If you know what field you want to view, you can append the -a switch with the attribute name. This example looks at lines per page or _l (lower case l).