释义 |
- 对称轴:指平面图形中将图形分成两部分,使得两部分关于该轴对称。
1 ?对称线 ... isosceles triangle等腰三角形 line of symmetry对称线 line segment线段 ... 2 ?封称线 ... 单曲率线,平面曲率 line of single curvature 封称线 line of symmetry 管路 line piping ...
- 1
A kite is a quadrilateral with one line of symmetry. - 2
Well, for those of you who have a good feeling for symmetry, they would say certainly it has to lie somewhere on this line. 对于一些同学,对称感良好的同学,它们肯定会说,它在这条线的某一点。 - 3
German architecture, reasonable distribution of dot, line and side, and elegant symmetry fully elucidates reasonable and precise German style. 德式建筑,点、线、面合理分布,对称优美,充分体现了德国理智严谨的风格。