If it won't, for the fact, they're out of business now, which maybe a sad effect of that type of behavior but it also means that you could no longer lie about them, from a legal perspective.
Version 2.0 of the EJB specification defines a primary key class as any class that is a legal value type in RMI-IIOP.
EJB 规范的 2.0 版将主键类定义成任何是 RMI-IIOP 中合法值类型的类。
First off, in order to form a legal new expression on a type parameter, such as new T(), it's necessary to make sure that we're calling a constructor that is valid for every instantiation of T.
首先, 为了对类型参数构造合法的 new 表达式(如 new T() ), 必须确保我们调用的构造函数对于 T 的每个实例化都有效。