...案1月25日迎来新年后的首次开庭,本次听证原本有望结束目前针对“探视权”的辩论,但由于一名 法律援助协会 ( Legal Aid Society )的社工证人作证超出原定时间,因此法庭还将择日再次开庭就“探视权”进行最后一次听证,届时熊晶母亲将出庭作证,而法官预计将在...
第一场介绍美国纽约法律扶助协会(Legal Aid Society),第二场介绍英国法扶制度,均可见许多不同的法扶机构及机制。
法律援助处 ; 法律援助协会
Attempts to reach Lopez and his attorney, Beth Unger from the Legal Aid Society, were unsuccessful.
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The women were represented by The Legal Aid Society and Weil, Gotshal and Manges, a New York law firm.
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She later volunteered at The Legal Aid Society for four years.
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