...曾经的环法五连冠、一小时记录53公里、奥运冠军、自行车运动历史上的传奇人物安杜兰(Indurain)今年已有52岁了。 宝刀未老,10月9日,他参加了巴塞罗那铁人三项赛(西班牙境内最大的铁三赛)的接力组,在20公里的自行车赛段中...
米盖尔 ; 因杜拉因 ; 米盖尔·安杜兰
Indurain's lung capacity was eight litres, compared to an average of six litres.
BBC: NEWS | Health | What makes a great Tour rider?
But he is already contemplating a crack at emulating Indurain, the Spaniard who triumphed every year from 1991 to 1995.
BBC: Armstrong targets Tour record
' Not Merckx's, not Hinault's, not LeMond's, not Coppi's, not Gimondi's, not Indurain's, not Anquetil's, not Bartali's, and not mine.
NPR: Armstrong: Truth & Reconciliation Is 'Only Way'