释义 |
1 ?阿吗碱 ...高效液相色谱;育亨宾;阿吗碱;利血平 [gap=1221]Key words: Rauvolfia yunnanensis Tsiang; HPLC; yohimbine; ajmalicine; reserpine ... 2 ?萝巴新 ... 萝巴新(Ajmalicine) 厂家生产供应2,4-二氯-3,5-二甲基苯酚(DCMX) 厂家生产大量供应3,5-二甲基苯酚(MX) ... 3 ?阿马里新 ...stonine )、派利文碱(Derivine)、长春多灵(vindoline)、长春花碱(catharanthine)、长春里宁(vindolinine)、阿马里新(ajmalicine)、洛柯定碱(lochneridine)、洛柯辛碱(lochnericine)等:?????? 药理? 有抗肿瘤作用,发挥此作用的为其所含的生物碱,其中以长春碱... 4 ?阿吗新 正 育亨宾类(Yohimbimes)和杂育亨宾类(Heteroyohimbines)如利血平(Reserpine,1)、阿吗新(Ajmalicine)等是具有重要心脑血管活性的天 ..
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Methods The total indole alkaloid was extracted after the calli were treated with fungal elicitors. Then, the determination of ajmalicine and catharanthine was carried out by RP HPLC. 方法用真菌诱导子对长春花愈伤组织进行诱导处理后提取吲哚总碱,并用RP- HPL C法测定其中阿玛碱和长春质碱含量。 - 2
The eastern section of the Palais is Amalin Palace, which is made up of three main buildings, namely: to call on the Office of ajmalicine Ling, the court usually WHEREOF see ceremony held here; 节基宫的东面是阿玛林宫,它由三个主要建筑物组成,即:阿玛灵达谒见厅,宫廷的昭见仪式通常在这里举行;