... 必有 o x 0 x x 例4 证明: 当 返回 上页 下页 目录 24/51 (2)单侧极限(One-sided Limits) 左极限 (Left Limits) : ) ( 0 x f A x f x x ) ( lim 0 , 0 , 0 当 ) , ( 0 0 x x x 时, 有 .
... 左扣活动扳手:left-handed monkey wrench 左方极限:left limit 左端:first member ...
Ministers lifted the limit on university-tuition fees-but failed to foresee the race to the top of the new scale; that has left the exchequer, which underwrites the fees, with a big liability.
The left side of the spectrum in Figure 1 suggests that you can anticipate all the hundreds and thousands of concerns that pop up when you develop software and tries to limit your responses to them.