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国王御前会议 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - abstract:
1 King in Council, or Royal Majesty, (most formally Konungen i Statsr?det, but a term for it most often used in legal documents was Kunglig Majest?t or short form Kungl.Maj:t or K.
- 1
The golden feather was brought to the king in the morning, and all the council was called together. 早晨,金羽毛被送到了国王那里,所有的大臣都被召集到一起。 - 2
In the Middle Ages, the monarch's rule was supreme. If advice or support were needed, the King would summon his richest and most powerful subjects to his Council. 在中世纪,君主命令至高无上。如需进言或支持,他会宣召臣下巨富或显要朝议。 - 3
And now began the old weary business of persuading Charles to cooperate in the reassembly of the council, and the French king too. 现在开始厌倦旧的业务说服查尔斯合作,在重新组装的理事会,和法国国王。