释义 |
- 一日之王:指某人在某个特定的时间段内拥有权力、地位或特权,但这种权力或地位是短暂的。
1 ?唱片名 ... 唱片名: King for a Day 表演者: Jamiroquai 版本特性: Single, Import ... 2 ?西汉张敞为京兆尹 [an official who doesn’t expect to remain long in office;king for a day] 西汉张敞为京兆尹(官名),将被免官,有个下属知道了不肯为他办案,对人说“他不过做五天的京兆尹就是了,还能办什么案子”,后比喻任职时间短或将...
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Forty-five years to the day after Martin Luther King spoke of his dream, America will take a giant leap towards the realisation of that great call for justice. 距马丁·路德·金讲出他的梦想已经有四十五年过去了,美国将朝着对于公正的伟大呼唤的实现迈出重要的一步。 - 2
You said the other day you thought we were a deal happier than the King children, for they were fighting and fretting all the time, in spite of their money. 但前几天你说我们比起王孙公子来要幸福多了,因为他们虽然有钱,却一天到晚明争暗斗,烦恼不休。 - 3
It happened one day that the son of a king, while riding in the forest, came by chance upon the dwarfs' house and asked for a night's lodging. 有天有件事情发生了,一个国王的儿子,当他骑马来到这个森林,偶尔来到矮人们的房子晚上要求投宿。