弗阿德一世是一位知名的钟表收藏家,与他的王后一样挚爱钟表,他的儿子法鲁克国王(King Farouk)也继承了父亲对钟表的热忱。
Kessel)、华特迪士尼(Walt Disney)、多位印度王公、埃及国王法鲁克(King Farouk)、阿迦汗(Aga Khan),以及近年到访过的多位巨星,如Michael Jackson、Madonna、Robert de Niro、Lou Reed、Jennifer Lopez、Gw...
King Farouk lead the country during the second world war, though Brits still lurked in the background.
ECONOMIST: The caf?? at the heart of revolutionary Cairo
In 1952, King Farouk the First of Egypt abdicated in the wake of a coup led by Gamal Abdel Nasser.
CNN: Friday,
The Egyptian army, which has underpinned the country's rulers since its officers overthrew King Farouk in 1952, will not be happy.
ECONOMIST: Democracy in Egypt has stalled