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约翰法 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
So I don't know don't, John, I would argue if I'd written this better, I would have had a method that returned the x- and the y- value, and it would be cleaner to go after it that way. 我会去辩论这么写是不是更好,我也可以写一个,返回x坐标和y坐标的方法,这么做可能会更清楚一点,这是很棒的缩写,好。 - 2
It took John Stuart Mill, writing in 1848, more than a century after the episode, to find the method in the madness. 在事件过去一个多世纪后的1848年,约翰·斯图尔特·米尔在其著作中发现了疯狂中应用的手法。 - 3
But, John, if we could find his body by your method of calculation, it would be a great triumph for you. 但是,约翰,我们可以用你的计算方法找到他的尸体,那对你来说也将是一次巨大的成功。