常见的爱尔兰威士忌品牌有: John Jameson (约翰·詹姆森) 是爱尔兰威士忌酒的代表,是世界各地的酒吧常备酒品之一。
约翰占美臣(John Jameson): 创立于1780年爱尔兰都柏林,是爱尔兰威士忌酒的代表。
... 约翰薄帆布便帽:John's style duck hat 约翰.詹姆斯爱尔兰威士忌酒:John Jameson 约定的,公认的:Agreed on ...
它的前身是爱尔兰威士忌制造商约翰•詹姆森(John Jameson)的寓所。整个设计是乔治王朝时期的风格,室内保存完好。
詹姆森父于 ; 约翰·詹姆森父于
"We beta-test things on the Abilene network, " says John Jameson, director of research education markets for Juniper.
FORBES: Consortium Builds Next-Generation Net
Pitch inspector John Jameson made it clear there was no question of him reporting the surface, citing swing and poor batting for most of the wickets.
BBC: Wickets tumble at cloudy Taunton
John Jameson was not unprepared.
NPR: E.L. Doctorow on Sherman and 'The March'