释义 |
1 ?箬竹属 【正文快照】: 箬竹属(Indocalamus Nakai)是多年生禾本科竹亚科植物,主要分布于我国长江以南各省区。 2 ?箬竹 箬叶为禾本科植物箬竹(Indocalamus)的叶,其味甘,性寒,归肺、肝经,可清热止血,解毒消肿,治吐血、衄血、便血、崩漏、小便不利、喉痹、痈肿等[1-2]。 3 ?箬叶 比方 箬叶 ( Indocalamus )包煮糯米,实为贪口腹之欲(Appetites),由于拿来祭奠了溺水而亡的楚国大夫,就成了古代食物。
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The volatile components were extracted from leaves of Indocalamus latifolius by simultaneous distillation and extraction, and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrum (GC-MS). 采用同时蒸馏萃取装置提取箬竹叶的挥发性成分,然后经气相色谱-质谱联用技术对挥发性成分进行分离鉴定。 - 2
Garden stone hills in the mountains hovering, verdant trees, Indocalamus bamboo cover, vine vine hanging, wild flowers clusters, simple nature, the scenery Cangrun such as true mountain forest. 园中山上石径盘旋,古树葱茏,箬竹被覆,藤萝蔓挂,野卉丛生,朴素自然,景色苍润如真山野林。