释义 |
- 破旧不堪:指物品或建筑物因长期使用或缺乏维护而破损、失修、不堪使用。
1 ?失修 ... in any case无论如何,不管怎样 in disrepair失修 in fact事实上,实际上 ... 2 ?旧损 ... 简易对应 simple mapping 旧损 in disrepair; old and damaged 满招损,谦受益 ; pride comes before a fall ...
- 1
The industry is poorly regulated, and often the boats are overcrowded and in disrepair. - 2
Piles of clothes, ceramic statues and all kinds of wall clocks in disrepair take up most of the living room. 地上成堆的脏衣服,陶瓷雕像,墙上各种年久失修的挂钟,占了客厅大部分的空间。 - 3
"All the money the city thought it saved, it lost," Mr. Burney told me, "because projects were often left unfinished or in disrepair." “所有城市所认为省下来的钱,实际上损失掉了。”伯尼对我说,因为项目经常虎头蛇尾或者总是失修。