释义 |
1 ?间接发育 ...动物的幼虫(幼体)与成体间差别很大, 需要经过一次或数次变态(metamorphosis),这种发育方式 称为间接发育(indirect development)或变态发育,如昆虫、 蛙等。 三、胚后发育 从卵膜内孵出或从母体生出后的胎儿发育,称为胚后发育。
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Ea groups do not have one customer but have an indirect and large set of customers ranging from IT, to operations, to development teams, to end users. EA组中不会存在任何一个客户,但是它有一个从IT到运营到开发团队到最终用户的间接的大型的广泛客户群。 - 2
The link between the development artifact and the requirement is, by default, created as an indirect link. 开发工件与需求之间的联系,默认条件下,会作为一个间接的联系而创建。 - 3
The director of Ghana's Development Policy Institute, Nii Moi Thompson, agrees, saying the effects of the global crisis on Africa are likely to be indirect. 加纳开发政策研究所主任尼-莫伊-汤姆逊也持有相同观点,认为全球危机对非洲的影响可能是间接的。