释义 |
1 ?工程设施 ... job evaluation ==> 评工法,工作评价,工作项目评价 job facilities ==> 工程设施 job factor ==> 工作项目因素,工作因素 ...
- 1
It is also because it is hard to reconcile a top job with children, because senior editors have trouble with mothers and because of poor child-care facilities. 还有一个原因是很难让高职位跟孩子和谐起来。因为资深编辑跟母亲有所抵触,另外儿童保育设施也很匮乏。 - 2
If desired, customize your job with descriptive names for each stage and link using standard DataStage facilities. 如果想要的话,您还可以使用标准的DataStage实用工具对每个阶段和链接使用描述性名称定制作业。 - 3
A month ago, he found a job Posting that seemed tailored for him, a facilities manager for a national restaurant chain. 一个月前,拉克又找到一份适合自己的岗位:一家全国餐饮连锁店的部门经理。