释义 |
- 拉丁字母:指的是一套以古罗马字母为基础改造而来的成熟字母体系,最初在意大利半岛和西欧流通,在19世纪时扩散为全世界最通行的字母,亦是世界使用人数最多的字母,是现代绝大多数欧美国家的唯一标准字体。
- abstract:
1 Latin script, or Roman script, is a writing system based on the letters of the classical Latin alphabet and extended forms thereof. It is used as the standard method of writing most Western and Central European languages, as well as many languages from other parts of the world.
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Until now, only the domain name itself could be in non-Latin script, while the web address ending - .com, .org, etc. - had to be given in Latin script. 迄今为止,只有域名本身可以使用非拉丁文字,然而诸如com、org等网址的结尾部分则仍必须使用拉丁文字。 - 2
If the script has no concept of upper/ lower cases( which is almost the case for non-Latin scripts), rare characters may be put in the shift positions. 如果文字没有大小写的概念(于非拉丁文字基本都如此)少见的字符可以放在上档键位上。 - 3
English and other languages used in Western Europe are based on Latin script and use only Latin characters - sometimes with added accents (diacritical marks). 英语及在西欧使用的其他语言都是以拉丁文字为基础,并且只使用拉丁字符—有时还会附加上重音符号(变音符号)。