释义 |
1 ?允许试验压力 ... 控压调整范围Control pressure adjustment 允许试验压力Allowable test pressure 压力差动值Pressure differential value ...
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In this case, the test pressure shall not exceed the maximum allowable test pressure for non-isolated components, such as in-line vessels, pumps, and valves. 对于不能隔离的系统,如:在线容器、泵和阀门等,测试压力不应大于系统组件最高允许测试压力。 - 2
Operation, the test units, request frequently condition in temperature, pressure, motor rated current more than the allowable value should be the emergency stop. 运行中,要求经常检测机组状况,在温度、压力、电机额定电流等超过允许值时应紧急停车。 - 3
Based on the analysis of distribution of pressure applied by hydraulic support base on seam floor, a method to test the allowable specific pressure of high water content material was suggested. 在分析回采工作面支架底座作用在底板岩层上压力分布特征的基础上,选择正方体试件用钢质小圆柱加压实验的方法测定高水速凝材料容许比压。