释义 |
1 ?死水位 ... dead water space 死水空间 level of dead water 死水位 Dead in the Water 水中亡灵 ; 船河玩出火 ...
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Starting with the Dead sea itself, a one-of-a-kind body of water, 417 meters (1, 373 ft.) below sea level with mineral-rich waters and mud flow with natural health and beauty acclaimed globally. 死海本身拥有独一无二的水域、417米(1373)低于海平面,矿产丰富,水泥浆流入,是世界著名的天然保健美容好去处。 - 2
The water level of Danjiangkou Reservoir is 135.17 meters now, nearly 4 meters lower than the dead water level of 139 meters , caused great inconvenience to the life of people near the reservoir. 丹江口水库坝前水位为135.17米,仍比139米死水位线低近4米,给库区人民生产生活带来极大的不便。 - 3
Even the Danjiangkou Reservoir, a key component of the south-to-north water diversion project, saw its water levels drop drastically to 4.23 meters below its dead water level on Saturday, he said. 他说,即使是丹江口水库——南水北调工程的重要组成部分,其水位周六也降到较死水位低4.23米的水平。