释义 |
1 ?指数期权 那么指数期权(index options)是否有避险的功能?「任何单边用衍生工具作方向性的投机活动,都不是我杯茶! 2 ?选择权 如,指 选择权(index options),对 敏感之商品(interest-sensitive securities),信用风险 结商品(credit-linked securities),结构型商品(structured
- 1
It's based on the value of Standard &Poor's 500 Index options. 该指数以为标准普尔500指数期权的价值为基础计算。 - 2
Index options like UNIQUE and CLUSTER, and access methods like B-Tree, R-Tree and user-defined access methods can apply to both functional and non-functional indexes. 诸如unique和CLUSTER等索引选项,以及B - Tree、r - Tree等访问方法和用户定义的访问方法,可以同时应用于函数索引和非函数索引。 - 3
You can explore all of these options on your own by right-clicking on the schema object (a table, view, index, or schema) to see which options are available for that particular object. 您可以通过在模式对象(表、视图、索引或模式)上单击右键自己探索这些选项,看看对于特定的对象有哪些可用的选项。