释义 |
- abbr.同种免疫性新生儿血小扳减少性紫癜(isoimmune neonatal throbocytopenic purpura);逻辑学家型人格(introverted, intuitive, thinking, and prospecting,MBTI 十六型人格之一)
1 ?一板一眼的学者型 一板一眼的学者型 ( INTP ):理论、忘东忘西、随和、好辩、灵光乍现 2 ?学者型 对于男性INTJ(专家型)来说,女性INTP(学者型)是绝配,会是很好的选择。她灵活的头脑可以投入你充满智慧的生活,同时,她温和及随意的个性可以防止你让自己过于紧张。 3 ?建筑师 D.INTP(建筑师):建筑学是关于空间关系的科学——组织、结构、建造、 成型、建筑师从很小的时候起就专注于空间关系和系统设计。 4 ?思想家型 ... ENTP 幻想家型 INTP 思想家型 ISTJ 公务员型 ...
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Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent. 掌控知识与脑力的重要性高于一切,INTP会在周围人中拣选出他们认为的聪明人。 - 2
The INTP will usually be experiencing the moment with vivid intensity inside their own minds, although this may or may not be apparent to their partner. INTP通常会在头脑中以鲜明的想象来体验这一刻,虽说他们的伴侣不见得一定会对此明了。 - 3
The INTP/ENTJ match is ideal, because these types shared Intuition as a common way of perceiving the world, but INTP/ESTJ is also a good match. How did we arrive at this? INTP/ENTJ会是理想的搭配,因为这两种类型同样采用直觉功能来理解世界,但INTP/ESTJ同样是很好的组合。