释义 |
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In a sense, the author of this pastiche, Seth Grahame-Smith, has turned Jane Austen into a zombie, reviving her text from the grave and turning it into a grisly version of the original. 从某种意义上来说,这一模仿小说的作者塞司?葛拉汉?史密斯在使简?奥斯汀的作品从坟墓中复苏并将其改写成恐怖作品的同时,也将奥斯汀本人变成了僵尸。 - 2
Laws, in their original sense, requires people, in the first place, to observe certain rules so as to ensure that society gets along in an orderly and harmonious manner. 法律,就其产生的本意来说,首先是要求大家遵守一定的公共规则,以使我们在一个和谐、有序的社会坏境中生活。 - 3
In its original sense, it meant the opposite.