释义 |
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The giant pumpkin weighs 749 kilogram with a 5.2 meters waist. It has already smashed two records - the records of British and European heaviest pumpkin. 这个巨大南瓜的“腰围”达到5.2米,重量则达到749公斤,刷新了英国和欧洲的最重南瓜纪录。 - 2
G The gravitational constant G - is an extremely low number-- - 6.67 times 10 to the minus 11-- in our... as our units, which is newtons, gram-meters per kilogram or something like that. 万有引力常数,是一个非常小的数字-,=6。67乘10的-11次方-,每公斤克米,或者类似的,它是个极端小的数字。 - 3
This marriage gauze is made by the hair of on 10 thousand people, weigh 95 kilogram, place adds up with the hair more than 250 meters. 这件婚纱由上万人的头发制成,重95千克,所用头发加起来超过250米。