释义 |
1 ?杀人场 在金边的第二天,从旅馆租了个摩托打算去参观南郊的杀人场(Killing Fields),我原本只是把它当做一个旅游景点来对待。 2 ?万人冢 从恶名昭彰的柬埔寨金 监狱存活下来的两名幸存者波孟(Bou Meng)和朱梅(Chum Mei)前往"万人冢"(Killing Fields),对当年惨遭红 高棉杀害的死难者表达哀悼追思。 3 ?唱片名 ... 唱片名: Killing Fields 版本特性: Soundtrack 出版者: Virgin Records Us ... 4 ?杀死图片 ... 杀死单位 Kill 杀死图片 Killing Fields 或杀死 Or Kill ...
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Remember to pull and don't let your rotten potatoes fields, toothache is killing your boy, it is more important, don't forget, don't pull out, my wife suddenly will be great! 记住快点拔,不要让你家的土豆烂地里,牙疼疼死你小子,更重要的不要忘了,不拔,老婆肚子一下子就会大起来! - 2
Multiple-function water and wastewater treatment, a world AA invention award winner, is able to apply to various fields relating to water and wastewater, killing all avian influenza viruses. 获得世界AA级发明的多用途水处理产品可应用于与水相关的各种领域,能完全杀灭禽流感病毒。 - 3
The earthquake originated here in the lush farm fields and river valleys of Sichuan Province, killing almost 10,000 people and trapping thousands more. 地震于发源这里,毁坏了四川境内大量的农田河谷,造成几乎10,000人的死亡还有数以千计的人仍然被困。