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1 ?姓 ... 名字: Freburger 姓: Jo-Ann 标签: Jo-Ann Freburger ...
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I've just been back to check, and out of the 19 winners of the Best Collection award since the Forwards launched in 1992, only three have been women - Kathleen Jamie, Jo Shapcott and Carol Ann Duffy. 追本溯源,自1992年以来,十九名最佳诗集获奖者中仅有三名女性——凯瑟琳·杰米、乔·萨格达和卡洛尔·安·达菲。 - 2
To check herself, and to keep occupied during her winter workouts, Jo Ann counts her steps for one minute, then rests for two. JoAnn每分钟通过数步伐来检查她的速度,并在冬季训练中始终保持这个速度。 - 3
"world-class [boating] races for fearless loners willing to face the distinct possibility of being run down, dismasted, capsized, attacked by whales" (Jo Ann Morse Ridley). “为愿意独自面对撞沉、折断桅杆、倾覆和被鲸攻击的明显可能性的无畏者而举行的世界级比赛” (约·安·莫尔斯·里德利)。