释义 |
1 ?特价清 特价清(JiaQing)仓,泡沫之夏,垃圾桶夹子,2枚入,创意家居用品,居家必备的店铺有成千上万家,其中有信誉好的,也有信誉差的。 2 ?金庸群侠传 ... 拳皇wing1995 金庸群侠传3jiaqing 拳w ...
- 1
The survey proved that Ma Ruichen had taught in Bailudong College twelve years after reign of Jiaqing. 通过考辨,可以确认,马瑞辰曾于嘉庆十二年前后掌教过白鹿洞书院。 - 2
Especially in a flagstone road eye-catching, it built in Jiaqing fifteen years, winding through the whole village. 尤以一条石板道格外醒目,此道修于清嘉庆十五年,蜿蜒贯穿整个村子。 - 3
The poets are there Jiaqing that the good snow, easing the poets winter with no snow Jiaohe embarrassment, and they have to be quiet in the snow. 而墨客们却在那里矫情地说这场雪好啊,减缓了墨客们冬季没雪的焦渴与困顿,他们要在雪中获得平静。