释义 |
- 不定冠词:英语中用来指代未被确定或具体指定的人或物的词语,如a或an。
1 ?不定冠词 the 叫做定冠词 (definite article),因为它明确地指出名词;a 和 an 叫做不定冠词 (indefinite articles),因为它们未明确指出名词.这些字也叫做名词限定词 (noun determiners),因为它们的后面跟著名词.
- 1
To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable. - 2
Definite and indefinite articles are unaffected by gender (the actor, the actress; a bull, a cow.) 定冠词和不定冠词不受性别的影响(the actor, the actress; a bull, a cow)。 - 3
As I've already told you, articles can be classified into definite articles and indefinite articles.