释义 |
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And now look at Leonardo da Vinci's ermine, resting quietly, although still very much alert, in the loose grip of his mistress. 现在再看莱昂纳多·达芬奇所画的那只貂,在它主人轻松的怀握里,安静地歇息着,虽然仍保持高度的警惕。 - 2
Generally, even if you wish to apply constraints in the loose way discussed in the last installment of this column, you should have a schema of some sort, for documentation if nothing else. 通常,即使您希望以松散的方式应用在本专栏上一篇文章中讨论过的约束,您也应该有某种模式供文档使用(如果不用于其它东西的话)。 - 3
In some cases, the loose soil is blown completely away, leaving a stony surface. 在某些情况下,松散的土壤全部被风吹走,只剩下石质化的表层。