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在最后的账目中 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?归根到底 ... in an account在账目里 in the last accounts归根到底,终于 of little account无甚价值 ...
- 1
More than 100 million accounts at Target, Neiman Marcus and Michaels stores were affected in some way during the most recent attacks, starting last November. 从去年11月开始,在塔吉特百货、尼曼·马库斯百货和迈克尔斯百货的1亿多个账户在最近的袭击中受到了某种程度的影响。 - 2
In America, which accounts for more than a quarter of the world market, premiums rose slightly in nominal terms last year, but fell after adjusting for inflation. 占全球市场份额四分之一多的美国去年保费名义上小幅上涨,但考虑到通胀因素,实际下跌。 - 3
When Italy last held a tax amnesty in 2003, an astonishing 80% of the funds taken out of Credit Suisse returned to it as clients opened accounts with its Italian operation. 意大利上一次的税收特赦是在2003年,在那一次特赦中,从瑞士信贷出逃的资金中有惊人的80%又经由客户在其意大利分支机构中所开设的账户而回到了瑞士信贷。