访问费用 access charge; interview expenses 顾问 adviser; consultant 法律顾问 legal adviser; 农业顾问 an adviser in agriculture; 军事顾问 military adviser; 艺术顾...
Candidates from within Iraq who have to travel a long distance for the interview do not have their expenses covered unless the process requires them to stay overnight.
Reception Person: Mr. XX of the headquarter. 8. Note: to my company's interview be sure to bring this invitation, for reimbursement of air tickets and other expenses of the evidence.
接待人:总部XX先生 8情况说明:来我公司面试时务必带上此邀请函,以报销往返机票等费用之凭证。
Please contact me without hesitation if you have any doubts. Company will reimburse your interview travelling expenses.