... 递增年金 increasing annuity 递增生产成本increasing cost of production 递增规模报酬 increasing returns to scale ...
Meanwhile, the increasing number of smartphone makers adopting Google's Android platform will also help lower their cost of production.
越来越多厂商采用谷歌的 Android操作系统,这也会降低成本。
Asset-based development (ABD) is a key mechanism for addressing the ever-increasing challenges in the cost and efficiency of software production and delivery.
基于资产的开发(Asset - based development, ABD)是应对软件生产和运输的成本和效率方面不断增长的挑战的一个至关重要的机制。
As some trouble has appeared in the productionof chitin and chitosan, improvement of decreasing productioncost, increasing yield and product quality has been put forward here in this paper.