... falter 蹒跚、结巴、支吾 incorporates 合并、混和、包含 quantum entanglement 量子纠缠 ...
...起作用;想像;成功;想知道 ? Focus; representative said announced right; grateful; gift; get; offend; incorporates; mix; provides; supply; discarded; throw; increase; effects; SB to do sth Work; imagine successful; want to know 劳斯莱斯...
...影响;对……起作用;想像;成功;想知道 ? Focus; representative said announced right; grateful; gift; get; offend; incorporates; mix; provides; supply; discarded; throw; increase; effects; SB to do sth Work; imagine successful; want to know 劳斯莱斯...
...供应;丢弃;抛弃;增大;影响;对……起作用;想像;成功;想知道 ? Focus; representative said announced right; grateful; gift; get; offend; incorporates; mix; provides; supply; discarded; throw; increase; effects; SB to do sth Work; imagine successful; want to know 现在你感...