释义 |
incompleteness 英/ ??nk?m?pli?tn?s / 美/ ??nk?m?pli?tn?s / - 1
经济学 不完备性 Recently, the theory of incompleteness of law has been developed to modify the market failure opinion about regulation. 最近,理论界发展出来的法律不完备性理论对上述市场失灵论的观点作了修正,指出市场失灵并非是监管的充分条件,引入监管还有别的原因。
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 不完全性 For the chaos-based feedback cryptographic scheme, a divide-and-conquer attack algorithmagainst it is proposed by using the incompleteness of which the key information diffuses inkeystreams. The complexity of the attack algorithm is 2 and the success rate is 1. 对于基于混沌反馈模型的图像加密算法,利用加密算法的密钥在乱数中扩散的不完全性,给出了一个分割攻击方法,证明了攻击方法的计算复杂性为2,成功率为1,将密钥熵降低了235比特。
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数学 不完全性 Part two aims to analyze how the GTS is used to explain the first-order logic. At the same time ,this part introduces its philosophical background and demonstrates the incompleteness theorem of IF first-order logic. 第二部分:介绍了博弈论语义学的哲学背景,并探导了博弈论语义学是如何用于解释经典一阶逻辑和IF一阶逻辑的,最后证明了IF一阶逻辑的不完全性。 不完全的
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艺术学 完整性 The intent incompleteness in the oil painting which created by artists, by study the visual surface there are three factors. 本文阐述了绘画作品中构成“非完整性”画面的三种因素。
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