释义 |
- 少年棒球队:由年龄在4岁到12岁之间的儿童组成的棒球队。
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The young girl, who was the only girl to play for the Pirates, the Canyon del Oro Little League baseball team, continued the family's baseball tradition. 这个年轻的女孩,是独一无二的为“金峡谷”小团体棒球队——海盗队效力的女孩,这延续了她们家族打棒球的传统。 - 2
If you manage a sporting goods store, consider sponsoring a little league baseball team. - 3
“Sorry is a little word, an easy word,” The Guardian newspaper quoted Mancini as saying at Valencia airport, where the team was on the way to its Champions League game at Villarreal on Wednesday. “对不起是一个再简单不过的词了,”曼奇尼在瓦伦西亚机场如是说道,他的球队将从这里出发出征周三与比利亚雷亚尔的冠军联赛。