释义 |
1 2 ?子表 子表 list of son; sub-forms; sublistsubtable; subtable 表演 1.
- 1
Sun Haiyang, whose son disappeared in 2007, has collected a list of 2, 000 children in and around Shenzhen who have disappeared in the past two years. 孙海洋(音)在07年丢了儿子后搜集到一个深圳和附近地区近两年内失踪的2000名儿童的名单。 - 2
To help my son understand his coach's commands, my husband printed out a list of soccer terms and their Japanese equivalents. 为了帮助儿子明白教练的指令,我丈夫打印了一个足球术语及其对应日语说法的列表。 - 3
Since he began searching for his son, Mr Sun has amassed a contact list of more than 3,000 other parents, all of whom help each other to look. 当孙先生开始寻找他儿子的时候,他已经整理了超过3,000对被拐儿童父母的联系方式,他们在寻找孩子的过程中会相互帮助。