

单词 list files of type
list files of type
  • 简明释义
  • 列表;文件类型
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    3. 从snow.txt 创建一个新的shapefile: 在Project 下拉菜单中的Add Table 对话框中,首先将文件类型(List Files of Type)改为Delimited Text, 选择正确的驱动器、文件目录后找到snow.txt,点击OK。文件显示了以十进制表示的40 个滑雪道 的经纬度值。

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    Type the name of the server as it will display in the server list, and type the name of the directory in which you want to publish your files.
  • 2
    Hint: the following command provides you with a list of all the configuration files loaded in Service Registry, the file type is sacl.
    提示:以下命令将提供一个列表,其中包含Service Registry中加载的所有配置文件,文件类型为sacl。
  • 3
    These configuration files contain a list of packages that you need on the Live CD and also describe the type of system configuration that will happen once the Live CD is booted.
    这些配置文件包含 Live CD 上所需的包的列表,并且描述了系统配置类型,Live CD 一旦引导就会做出这些配置。
  • 同近义词




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