... *豪朗时(Hautlence) 4.拉绍德封(La Chaux-de-Fonds) *卡地亚(Cartier) ...
... Kandersteg/坎德斯泰德 La Chaux-de-Fonds/拉 乔克斯-德-芳兹 Lausanne/洛桑 ...
... 密士拉达 misurata 瑞士拉夏德 la chaux-de-fonds 火山 [地质学] volcano; burning mountain 活火山 active volcano; 死火山 extinct volcano; ...
年。 中文名 拉夏德芳 英文名 LaChaux-de-Fonds 成立时间 1894 运动项目 足球 所在地区 瑞士拉夏德芳 主 场 la Charrière 目录 1 球队阵容 球队阵容 编辑
拉绍德封 ; 重镇拉夏德芳
Today, La Chaux-de-Fonds remains the administrative, and in many ways the spiritual, heart of the Swiss watch industry.
BBC: Where the world??s most expensive watches are made
Meanwhile, Ireland's Ciaran McDonagh set a new Irish long jump record of 8.07m at Sunday's meeting La-Chaux-de-Fonds.
BBC: SPORT | Athletics | McKee clocks best time of season
The Belfast athlete's time of 46.63 in finishing second in the Swiss meeting in La-Chaux-de-Fonds cut .32 of a second off his best time this season.