释义 |
1 ?克岛海峡 在距离罗德岛(Rhode Island)12英里的地方,一艘开往纽约的蒸汽船在布洛克岛海峡(Block Island Sound)同一艘三桅船发生撞击,蒸汽船立刻沉没了。157名乘客当中仅有19名活了下来。
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The Malinowskis sold 600, 000 oysters last year, up from 300, 000 in 1999, growing them on longlines and buoys in Block Island Sound. FORBES: A Giant Shucking Sound - 2.
Which it does: serene views of Little Narragansett Bay and Block Island Sound, spotless white-sand beaches, and a newly rebuilt, grand inn atop a scenic bluff, the Ocean House, which for decades had stood as a neglected sentinel, a reminder of grander times past. FORBES - 3.
On August 17th Block Island, an idyllic spot on Long Island Sound north-east of New York city, will be graced by a holiday visit from one William Jefferson Clinton, plus 200 of his closest friends (Secret Service men and reporters, mostly). ECONOMIST: Wish you weren??t here