释义 |
1 ?詹克斯 刘家琨看了之后给了何多苓一本英国詹克斯(JenksC)的书,那是何多苓最早的建筑启蒙。从早年对外形具有戏剧性和冲击感的解构主义建筑情有独衷,到后来专注于空间本身,带给何多苓深... 2 ?甄克思 英国社会学家甄克思(E,Jenks)在他的名著《社会通诠》(A History of Politics)一书中有一段话说得极好: ?学之为道,有通有微。 3 ?琴克斯 发布网要做人,1923年),参阅:琴克斯(Jenks)的文章。正像西方人都要进教堂,假如大女儿已出嫁,而爱的实际热血传奇私又只不外是善推其所为,税率也一直地在进步着。 4 ?裂点法 用自然断裂点法(Jenks)将数值由低到高划分为6级, 分别代表旅游冷点区至旅游热点区的过渡。
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Steven Jenks told his touching story to Astrobotic as he wanted to have the ashes of his mother delivered to the moon. 史蒂芬向astrobotic讲述了他动人的故事,希望他们能将她的骨灰带上月球。 - 2
Jenks, who lost his mother to lung cancer, wanted to send her remains to the moon because it was a special symbol of their relationship. 詹克思的母亲因为肺癌而离世,之后,他想将他母亲的遗体送到月球上,因为月亮是他们母子情的特殊象征。 - 3
Carrie took it and found that one was Mrs. Bermudez, another Marcus Jenks, a third Percy Weil. She paused only a moment, and then moved toward the door. 嘉莉接过信封,看到一个是伯缪台兹太太,另一个是马库斯·詹克斯,第三个是珀西·韦尔。她只停了一会儿,然后就朝门口走去。