释义 |
- v.间种,混种:在同一地块上种植两种或多种作物,以提高土地利用率、增加产量或控制病虫害。
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农业科学 套种 The main yield limiting factors of maize were extensive crop management,low sowing quality,and drought. The main technical measures to improve yield of maize in five years are delaying interplant time and adopting varieties that is adapt to the environment. 夏玉米产量的主要限制因素是栽培管理粗放、播种质量不高、干旱,5年内可广泛应用于生产的技术措施是推迟套种时间、因地制宜选用良种。 间作 The rotational model of broad strip interplant should be as fellow:the strip distance of eucalyptus should be 12-14m,plant distance should be 0.8-1m,if the plants are 1-2years growing,we can choose interplants growing in Summer or Autumn,if is 3-6years,choose grazing mainly. 大宽行条带桉农间作的合理模式应该是:桉树条带带距为12-14m,株距0.8-1m,间作物在1-2年主要考虑在夏、秋季节生长的农作物,3-6年应主要选择牧草。 林农间作复合系统使林地生产力大幅度提高。 间种物