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kicking the can down the road - 拖延问题:推迟解决问题,将问题留给将来的人或时间来解决。
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"They keep kicking the can down the road, but the can is getting heavier," comments one high-level diplomat. “他们不停地把罐头踢走,但是罐头越来越重了。”一位高级外交官如是评论。 - 2
In all three cases, kicking the can down the road has staved off disaster so far, but the cans are getting bigger and heavier. 到目前为止,这三个情况仍然把问题如汽水罐一样踢开。但这个罐已经越滚越大。 - 3
So after all the half-measures, partial solutions and months of "kicking the can down the road", the eurobond route, and all that goes with it, may be the only way left to save the euro. 在尝试了各种部分解决方案,拖延了几个月之后,欧元债券计划以及和它相关的措施成为拯救欧元的唯一选择。