释义 |
1 ?横向断错 ... lateral log 梯度电极系曲线 lateral migration 横向运移 lateral offset 横向断错 ... 2 ?横向偏位 横向偏位( Lateral offset )? ?定义:定义:横向偏位是指左侧或右侧前轮横向偏位是指左侧或右侧前轮和后轮与地接触点连线与几和后轮与地接触点连线与几何... 3 ?横向偏移 ... offset axis 偏移轴 lateral offset 横向偏移 tangent offset 切线支距,切线偏移,...
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Based on the principles that lateral offset-focus feed makes the antenna pattern deflect an angle, the multi-beam antenna can be used in passive imaging system. 本文首先分析了焦平面阵列馈源横向偏焦产生多波束的原理,并采用面电流法对偏焦抛物面天线方向图进行了编程计算。 - 2
The paper introduces excess loss based on lateral offset, axial offset, longitudinal offset, and different parameter value within a fiber splice, then, discusses the measurement method of excess loss. 介绍了光纤接续中由横向偏移带来的、轴向偏移造成的、纵向偏移产生的以及被接光纤具有不同的参数时所造成的附加衰减产生的机理及其测试方法。 - 3
Nowadays, smart well technique has been applied to horizontal well, offset well, multi-lateral well, remote area and subsea operation and also to production well and injection well. 目前,智能完井技术在国外已经应用到水平井、大位移井、分枝井、边远井和水下采油树井及多层采油井和注水井。