成本管理:战略与概论, 作者: 布洛切 ( Blocher ),王斌, 版本: 第1版, 华夏出版社, 本书以战略管理为导向,系统介绍了成本管理概况、战略分析与战略成本管理的内容..
D.布洛恰(Blocher)的“成功 指示器”技术 .布洛恰(Blocher)的 成功指示器” ?
这一接洽由于最近露特·梅茨勒(Ruth Metzler)的落第和布洛赫尔(Blocher)接任而更趋猛烈。
... 所属州: AR 名字: Blocher 姓: Marie ...
布洛赫 ; 瑞士人民党
Mr Blocher's party had won the biggest share of the vote in October's elections.
ECONOMIST: Putin's choice
In short, as an industrialist, Mr Blocher is happy to reap the benefits of freely available labour.
ECONOMIST: Christoph Blocher, ascendant Swiss populist
The Swiss parliament elected Christoph Blocher of the far-right Swiss People's Party to the country's seven-man cabinet.