释义 |
- 晚发性:指疾病或症状在生命周期的较晚阶段才出现的现象。
1 ?晚发型 ...系_stmopen 关键词】: 子痫前期 早发型 晚发型 凝血纤溶活性 [gap=1177]Keywords】: preeclampsia, early onset , late onset, coagulative -fibrinolytic activity ... 2 ?迟发性 因鼻罩气造成结膜炎 因鼻罩磨擦致脸部破皮 鼻 胃肠溃疡出血25 造成迟发性(late onset)的 hospital acquired pneumonia(住院超过 5 天以上)的致病菌中,下那一 种可能性较小? 3 ?迟发型 该疾病分为婴儿期(infantile)、青春期(juvenile)和迟发型(late onset)三类,其中婴儿期是最严重的发病类型,患儿通常在2-3岁时死亡。
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Storey's diagnosis - what Wu prefers to call late onset hypogonadism "is not inevitable or universal like the female menopause," he insists. Storey的诊断结果——Wu更愿意把它叫作晚发性性腺机能减退——“不像女性更年期那样必然和普遍,”他坚持称。 - 2
Some 2.2m people in Britain have late onset, or type 2 diabetes, a figure that is expected to reach 4m by 2025 as a consequence of rising levels of obesity. 英国约有二百二十万人患有迟发性糖尿病,即2型糖尿病。由于肥胖病患者不断增多,预计到2025年,英国迟发性糖尿病患者将达到四百万人。 - 3
Other terms for so-called male menopause include testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency of the aging male and late-onset hypogonadism. 男性经绝期其它的名称还有:睾丸素缺乏症、老年雄激素缺乏症和迟发性性功能减退。