释义 |
1 ?游戏后期 ... Lag hack–延迟作弊,指让游戏运行很慢,延迟很严重的一种作弊手段. Late-game–游戏后期,指差不多科技树都升好后的阶段. Mf–全开地图作弊 ...
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He's a great scorer, and one of the best late-game options in the league, but too many people reflexively put him top 5-10 in the league, when top 20-25 is more accurate. 他的得分能力很不错,也是联盟中最后一投的最佳人选之一,但是太多的人将他摆在了最佳的前5 - 10的位置,其实20 - 25这样子更准确些。 - 2
Red Faction: Guerrilla, "Death by Committee" is a late-game mission where you discover that a group of businessmen who've been working with the enemy are having a secret meeting. 在红色派系:游击队中,“阴谋家之死”是游戏后期的一个关卡,目标是一群通敌的商人,他们将会举行一个秘密的聚会。 - 3
It's not necessarily a bad thing, but depending on the school, it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game. 这未必是件坏事,但这取决于学校,而且转专业太晚的话,补学分的代价会很大。