释义 |
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When Lasker met the cancer researcher Sidney Farber, in Washington in the late nineteen-forties, it was, Mukherjee writes, “like the meeting of two stranded travelers, each carrying one-half of a map. 当拉斯科十九世纪四十年代在华盛顿遇到癌症研究人员西德尼·法伯,慕克吉写到:那就像是“两位各持有一半地图的迷路人的相遇。” - 2
The man doing the helping was a New Zealander in his mid to late forties, with a ponytail, a slight look of Keith Richards and a mouth missing most of its teeth. 帮忙的男人是新西兰人,四五十岁的样子,扎着一把辫子,嘴里缺了好多牙,脸有点像英国吉他手凯斯·理查德。 - 3
Later, when Mrs. Luo, a neighbor in her late forties who had been laid off by the local electronics factory, came to sit with Teacher Fei’s mother, he went to a nearby Internet café. 后来,当邻居罗太太过来陪他母亲,他就去了附近网吧。 罗太太不到五十岁,是本地电子厂的下岗工人。